Author Archive: Jann Mirchandani
Here are the Finalists at their Posters, representing WESEF at the INTEL International Science & Engineering Fair. In total there were close to 1800 student competitors from over 60 different countries across the globe!
- Matt Wrubel and Erik Santini Yorktown High School Project Title: Compressed Air Energy Storage
- Adam Illowsky Ossining High School Project Title: The MAPT H1 Haplotype is Associated with an Increased Clinical and Neuropathological Severity of Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy
- Xinxin Du Scarsdale High School Project Title: An Exploratory Investigation of miRNA Regulation of ACSL-4 in Androgen Deprivation Therapy Resistant Prostate Cancer
- Sam Goldman Pelham High School Project Title: Structural Snapshots of K lactis Purine Nucleoside Phosphorylase trapped with Transition State Analog Inhibitors
- Liz Sobolik Sleepy Hollow High School Project Title: Generating iPSCs from Human Adipocyte Tissue for Differentiation into Nociceptive Neurons
- Ben Ross Ossining High School Project Title: An Optimized Analysis of Wind Flows in the Urban Environment and the Identification of Feasible Building Augmented Wind Turbine Sites
- Karan Desai Edgemont High School Project Title: Loss of TDP43 in Motor Neurons Leads to Deficits in Axonal RNAs in an Animal Model of ALS
- Charlotte Herber Fox Lane High School Project Title: Evidence of Toll-like Receptor Nine-Mediated Amelioration of Amyloid Pathology in a TgSwDI Mouse Model of Alzheimer’s Disease
- Zhun Che, Julia Kavanagh, and Luke Hellum Pelham High School Project Title: Identification of Genes Involved in Metabolism and Toxicity of Host-Derived Toxin Methylglyoxal in Mycobacterium tuberculosis and Mycobacterium smegmatis
- Alex Kaufman Horace Greeley High School Project Title: Constructing an HBV Reporter Virus
- Ari Kanevsky Ossining High School Project Title: Development of a Novel Machine Learning Algorithm to Monitor Vascular Tissue Transfers Using Speech Classification Techniques
- Ivan Paskov Edgemont High School Project Title: Predicting Cancer Drug Response using Nuclear Norm Multi-Task Learning
- Alyson Winter and Abigail Kamen Ossining High School Project Title: Psychosocial Variables Affecting Breast Cancer Quality of Life
Over 370 students from 30 area high schools in Westchester and Putnam Counties presented their science research projects at the 14th annual Regeneron – Westchester Science and Engineering Fair, sponsored by Regeneron Pharmaceuticals, Acorda Therapeutics & Entergy. Students showcased their multi-year research science projects in a competitive venue featuring individual and team poster presentations. They were judged by local experts in the fields of life science, physical science, environmental studies, psychology and engineering.
A complete list of all winners is now available.
The Regeneron – Westchester Science and Engineering Fair, known as “WESEF”, is made possible each year by the generous contributions of local corporate sponsors including
Regeneron Pharmaceuticals, Acorda Therapeutics & Entergy. Additional sponsors include Boehringer Ingelheim, Fujifilm, Carl Zeiss Microscopy, Psychogenics, Westchester Academy of Medicine, Philips, Momentive, Philips, Fisher Scientific, and others. In total, the sponsors have donated over $100,000 for this year’s event. This allowed WESEF to award nearly 70% of all students with some form of recognition.
The following students won a spot at the International Sustainable World Project Olympiad thanks to a donation from Entergy. This competition known as ISWEEEP brings together over 700 students from over 60 countries whose projects have focused on sustainability in the areas of Energy, Environment and Engineering (
Dalia Laredo
Somers High School
Dylan Gambardella
Hendrick Hudson High School
Jeffrey Hurd and Christin Adams (Team Project)
Pelham High School
The following students represent the 13 projects (10 individuals and 3 teams) that won a trip to the Intel International Science & Engineering Fair (ISEF) thanks to donations from Regeneron Pharmaceuticals and Acorda Therapeutics.
The Intel ISEF is the larger and more global of the two Intel sponsored events ( Intel ISEF will be held in Los Angeles, California this year in May and will bring together over 1,500 science fair winners from 60 countries.
Samuel Goldman
Pelham High School
Title: Structural Snapshots of K lactis Purine Nucleoside Phosphorylase trapped with Transition State Analog Inhibitors
Charlotte Herber
Fox Lane High School
Title of Project: Evidence of Toll-like Receptor Nine-Mediated Amelioration of Amyloid Pathology in a TgSwDI Mouse Model of Alzheimer’s Disease
Adam Illowsky
Ossining High School
Project Title: The MAPT H1 Haplotype is Associated with an Increased Clinical and Neuropathological Severity of Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy
Ben Ross
Ossining High School
Title: An Optimized Analysis of Wind Flows in the Urban Environment and the Identification of Feasible Building Augmented Wind Turbine Sites
Alexander Kaufman
Horace Greeley High School
Title: Constructing an HBV Reporter Virus
Karan Desai
Edgemont High School
Project Title: Loss of TDP43 in Motor Neurons Leads to Deficits in Axonal RNAs in an Animal Model of ALS
Xinxin Du
Scarsdale High School
Title: An Exploratory Investigation of miRNA Regulation of ACSL-4 in Androgen Deprivation Therapy Resistant Prostate Cancer
Ari Kanevsky
Ossining High School
Project Title: Development of a Novel Machine Learning Algorithm to Monitor Vascular Tissue Transfers Using Speech Classification Techniques
Ivan Paskov
Edgemont High School
Title: Predicting Cancer Drug Response using Nuclear Norm Multi-Task Learning
Elizabeth Sobolik
Sleepy Hollow High School
Title: Generating iPSCs from Human Adipocyte Tissue for Differentiation into Nociceptive Neurons
Alyson Winter & Abigail Kamen
Ossining High School
Title: Psychosocial Variables Affecting Breast Cancer Quality of Life
Erik Santini and Matthew Wrubel
Yorktown High School
Title: Compressed Air Energy Storage
Zhun Che, Julia Kavanagh, Luke Hellum
Pelham Memorial High School
Title of Project: Identification of Genes Involved in Metabolism and Toxicity of Host-Derived Toxin Methylglyoxal in Mycobacterium tuberculosis and Mycobacterium smegmatis
Over 350 students from 33 area high schools in Westchester and Putnam Counties presented their science research projects at the 13th annual Regeneron – Westchester Science and Engineering Fair, sponsored by Regeneron Pharmaceuticals, Acorda Therapeutics & Entergy. Students showcased their multi-year research science projects in a competitive venue featuring individual and team poster presentations. They were judged by local experts in the fields of life science, physical science, environmental studies, psychology and engineering.
The Regeneron – Westchester Science and Engineering Fair, known as “WESEF”, is made possible each year by the generous contributions of local corporate sponsors including
Regeneron Pharmaceuticals, Acorda Therapeutics & Entergy. Additional sponsors include Fujifilm, Carl Zeiss Microscopy, Psychogenics, Westchester Academy of Medicine, Momentive, Philips and others. In total, the sponsors have donated over $100,000 for this year’s event. This allowed WESEF to award nearly 70% of all students with some form of recognition.
The following (3) students won a spot at the International Sustainable World Project Olympiad thanks to a donation from Entergy. This competition known as ISWEEEP brings together over 700 students from over 60 countries whose projects have focused on sustainability in the areas of Energy, Environment and Engineering (
Elizabeth R Crumley
Yorktown High School
Title: Freestanding Bamboo Gridshell Shelters for Sustainable Relief Efforts
Edward Aryee
Ossining High School
Title: Investigating the Impact of Post-Anoxic Dissolved Oxygen Concentrations on Nitrous Oxide Emissions in the Full Nitrification Process
Daniel M. Scanteianu
Ossining High School
Title: A Non-Holonomic Wedge Skiing Robot For Sustainable Snow Transport and Rescue
The following students represent the 13 projects (10 individuals and 3 teams) that won a trip to the Intel International Science & Engineering Fair (ISEF) thanks to donations from Regeneron Pharmaceuticals and Acorda Therapeutics.
The Intel ISEF is the larger and more global of the two Intel sponsored events ( Intel ISEF will be held in Phoenix, Arizona this year in May and will bring together over 1,500 science fair winners from 60 countries.
Sheida Takmil
Ossining High School
Title: Intranasal Administration of Neuropeptide-Y Influences Development of PTSD-like Symptoms
Claudia Mimoso
Ossining High School
Title of Project: Looking Within the Lesion: Transcriptome of Psoriatic Skin Reveals Changes in Apoptosis Signaling and Genes Associated with Atherosclerosis
Charlotte Herber
Fox Lane High School
Project Title: Histological Evidence of Toll-Like Receptor Nine Amelioration of Amyloid Pathology in a TgSwDI Mouse Model
Daniel Fulop
John Jay High School
Title: A POTENTIAL TREATMENT FOR CIRRHOSIS: Retinol-Palmitic Acid Treatments in Combination with Knockdown of the miR-23b Cluster Reverts Activated Cirrhotic Hepatic Stellate Cells to the Quiescent Healthy State
Ryan Malpass
Dobbs Ferry High School
Title: Directed Differentiation of Mouse Embryonic Stem Cells into Dorsal Root Ganglia
Caleb Hersh
Ossining High School
Project Title: Quantifying the Impact of Nighttime Light Exposure and Sleep Duration on Melatonin Levels in Adolescents
Abigail Orlando
Eastchester High School
The Effect of Emoticon Stimuli on Human Facial Muscle Activation and Social Evaluation using Electromyographic Technology: A Novel Determination
Sarah Ruthen
Briarcliff High School
Project Title: The Effects of Equine-Assisted Therapy on the Socila Functioning of Autistic Adults
Brett Bell
Pelham Memorial High School
Title: Angiopoietin-1 and R-Spondin1 Mitigate Radiation Induced Gastrointestinal Syndrome
Haoxuan Yuan
Pelham memorial high school
Title: Menin Controlled Cell Differentiation, Renewal, and Transformation of Normal and Neoplastic Stem Cells
Amrita Ramesh & Sania Khalid
Ossining High School
Title – Semaphorin7A and Cadherin-8 are Crucial for Cortical Circuitry Development: Implications for Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASDs)
Haris Nair (Hastings High School) & Samantha Prashad (Rockville Center High School)
Title: Construction, Characteristics and Mathematical Modeling of an E. coli based Fuel Cell
(team project with Samantha Prashad)
Zhun Che & Julia Kavanaugh
Pelham Memorial High School
Title of Project: Combating Mycobacterium Tuberculosis by Induction of Self-Poisoning
The seventeen students selected from as WESEF finalists who attended INTEL ISEF in Pittsburgh, PA May 13th -18th, 2012 earned numerous top awards putting Westchester on the map as some of the highest quality science projects in the world! In total, our WESEF finalists accumulated fourteen awards totalling $25,000! Without the generous contribution of our major sponsors including Progenics Pharmaceuticals, Regeneron Pharmaceuticals, Entergy, and Acorda Theraupeutics the experience of attending INTEL ISEF would not have been possible. A big thank you to all the sponsors of WESEF 2012!!!
A complete list of awards won by WESEF Finalists at INTEL ISEF 2012 is available via this link.
To view photos of our WESEF Finalists at Pittsburgh’s INTEL ISEF, please visit our photo gallery.
The WESEF Finalists that attended INTEL ISEF 2012 were:
- Laura Anderson – Yorktown High School
- Pam Brigleb & Amanda Bernstein – Ossining High School
- Maite Antola – Ossining High School
- Adam Illowsky & Catie Conte – Ossining High School
- Priya Mohindra – Yorktown High School
- Jenny Yang & Jessica Li – (Briarcliff High School & Scarsdale High School)
- Matthew Bruck – Fox Lane High School
- Bayley Meichner – Somers High School
- Hannah Street – Hastings High School
- Amelia Clements – Ossining High School
- Lily Cao & Frank Cao – Yorktown High School
- Kathleen Mavrommatis – Yorktown High School
- Katherine Mangialardi – Ossining High School
The Westchester Science & Engineering Fair was held on Saturday, March 10th, 2012 at Sleepy Hollow High School. In total, a record number of 330 student presenters showcased their research achievements in this highly competitive high school science competition. Thanks to the generous support of our sponsors, WESEF was able to award over 150 category awards for projects placing 1st – 4th in their cateogies as well as an additional 120 special awards prizes.
- A complete list of category awards (1st – 4th) is available as a PDF download here.
- A complete list of special awards is available as a PDF download here.
- Photos from the event will be posted shortly, so be sure to check back soon for some of the highlights of the day.
Thanks to a generous donation from Progenics Pharmaceuticals, the primary sponsor of the Westchester Science & Engineering Fair, the top 9 individual projects and top 4 team projects earned an all expenses paid trip to compete in the Intel International Science & Engineering Fair held this year in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania! Those student winners are:
Category | School | Name of winner(s) |
Behavior | Ossining | Catie Conte & Adam Illowsky |
Animal Science | Ossining | Pamela Brigleb & Amanda Bernstein |
Medicine & Health | Yorktown | Frank Cao & Lily Cao |
Biochemistry | Briarcliff | Jenny Yang & Jessica Li |
Plant Science | Ossining | Amelia Clements |
Behavior | Ossining | Katharine Mangialardi |
Cell Biology | Fox Lane | Matthew Bruck |
Biochemistry | Yorktown | Priya Mohindra |
Behavior | Yorktown | Laura Anderson |
Biochemistry | Ossining | Maite Antola |
Engineering | Somers | Bayley Meichner |
Medicine & Health | Hastings | Hannah Street |
Behavior | Yorktown | Kathleen Mavrommatis |
Additionally, a second major award, sponsored by Entergy, supports the three top student projects in Environmental Science and/or engineering to attend the ISWEEEP competition held in Houston, Texas later this year. The winners of this competition were:
Category | School | Name of Winner(s) |
Environment | Briarcliff | Steve Kalayam |
Environment | Yorktown | Miwa Wenzel |
Environment | Sleepy Hollow | Christian Zhinin & Alex Mendonca |
Congratulations to all student presenters. The enthusiasm, passion for science and quality of research you presented was applauded by the judges and serves as an inspiration for all. Thanks for your participation and we look forward to seeing you next year at WESEF 2013!
On Saturday, March 13, 2010 in the Sleepy Hollow High School Gymnasium over 250 students from 30 area high schools in Westchester and Putnam Counties gathered to present their extensive research projects at the 10th annual Progenics – Regeneron – Acorda Westchester Science and Engineering Fair. Students showcased their accomplishments in a competitive venue featuring individual and team poster/interview style presentations and were judged by local experts in the fields of science, math, environmental studies, psychology and engineering.
Thanks to generous donations by Progenics Pharmaceuticals, Regeneron Pharmaceuticals, and Acorda Therapeutics, the top 8 individual projects and 4 team projects from WESEF, won an all expense paid trip to compete in Los Angeles, California at the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF), the “superbowl” of science fairs, ( This is the larger and more global of the two Intel sponsored events (the other being the Intel Science Talent Search). At the Intel ISEF, more than 1,500 high school student, science fair winners, from over 50 countries competed for $4 million in prizes and scholarships.
The WESEF finalists (listed below) won more than $50,000 in cash and scholarships at ISEF….
Liza Strauss of Mamaroneck High School won 1st place American Psychological Association Award ($1250.00) and the 1st place US Air Force Award of $3000.00 for her study of cognitive neuroscience on arithmetic combinatorial processing using MEG.
Jayanth Krishnan of Mahopac High School placed 3rd in Engineering ($1000.00) and won the National Antivivisection Society Award and the European Organization for Nuclear Research-CERN Award including a trip to CERN Switzerland for his research on regulatory signatures of cancer cell lines inferred from gene expression data.
Joy Li of Briarcliff High School took 3rd place in Medicine and Health ($1000.00) for her study on predicting outcomes of heart failure patients after mechanical circulatory support device implantation.
Tyler St. Dennis of John Jay High School took 3rd place in Microbiology ($1000.00), won the 1st place U.S. Air Force Award ($2000.00), National Collegiate Inventers and Innovators Alliance Award ($1000.00) and the Patent and Trademark Office Society Award ($150.00) for his research on bacterial heat shock response to photodynamic therapy.
Kyle Bardwell of Ossining High School took 1st place in Animal Science ($3000.00) for studying the human impact on screech owl populations.
Evan Olin and Catherine Conte of Ossining High School won 2nd place in Behavioral Science ($1500.00) for their work on tibial shock as one transitions from shod to barefoot running.
Katherine Mangialardi of Ossining High School won 3rd place in Behavioral Science ($1000.00) and a $60,000.00 Scholarship to the Florida Institute of Technology for her work studying altruism in adolescents.
Matthew McIntyre of Yorktown High School won 2nd place in Microbiology ($1500.00) and the U.S. Army Award including a $4000.00 scholarship and a trip to London, England for his work on a possible solution to the worldwide malaria epidemic by identifying the genetics of the parasite that causes malaria like diseases that could be targeted by future pharmaceuticals
Michael Cerabona of Yorktown High School won 4th place in Engineering ($500.00) and the GE Energy Award ($1000.00) for his work in creating a solar cell tracking device that uses a shape memory alloy known as “Muscle Wire” to guide a solar panel to follow the path of the sun.
Gabriel Weissman of Horace Greeley High School and Priya Mohindra of Yorktown High School won 4th place in Biochemistry ($500.00) for their project on early detection of breast cancer by finding a better way to bind a cancer detection chemical to early stage breast cancer cells.
Sara Albala of John Jay High School won the American Statistical Association Award and the IIT College of Psychology Award ($40,000.00) for her study on the effect of living arrangements and social support on hypertension.
Official Intel ISEF Press Releases
For more information contact:
Michael Blueglass WESEF President / Yorktown High School Science Research Director (W) 914-243-0561
(C)914-447-3568 (Fax) 914-248-9658
The Westchester Science & Engineering Fair was held on Saturday, March 12th, 2011 at Sleepy Hollow High School. In total, nearly 270 student presenters showcased their research achievements. Thanks to the generous support of our sponsors, WESEF was able to award over 150 special awards prizes as well as recognize those student whose research was best overall in their category with 1st – 4th place awards.
A complete list of all student winners is available here.
A Flickr gallery was created for all fair participants who may be interested in seeing photos from the awards session. It is available here and prints can be ordered through the site if desired.
Additionally, the photo montage created by Mr. Blueglass is now available on youtube
The top 8 individual projects and top 4 team projects have earned an all expenses paid trip to compete in the Intel International Science & Engineering Fair held this year in Los Angeles, California! To learn more about the WESEF Finalists, click on their names below for a link to their official abstracts. Those student winners are:
Matthew McIntyre – Yorktown High School
Tyler St. Denis – John Jay High School
Jayanth Krishnan – Mahopac High School
Katharine Mangialardi – Ossining High School
Joy Li – Briarcliff High School
Michael Cerabona – Yorktown High School
Liza Strauss – Mamaroneck High School
Kyle Bardwell – Ossining High School
Elyse Blueglass, Morgan Blueglass, Amanda Buonogorio – Somers/ Yorktown High Schools
Evan Olin & Catie Conte – Ossining High School
Asa Jordan & Jenna Behrendt – Ossining High School
Priya Mohindra & Gabriel Weissman – Horrace Greeley High School
Congratulations to all student presenters, the enthusiasm, passion for science and quality of research you presented was applauded by the judges and serves as an inspiration for all.